Business Banking

Small Business Loans at Discount Bank

Your Growth, our Loans

Do you wish to purchase a vehicle or equipment for your business? 

As part of our response to your business needs, we offer a variety of loans  on favorable terms.

A range of loans for your business, for the purchase of a commercial vehicle, truck or private vehicle - at favorable interest rates 


Foreign trade financing

Foreign trade, by its nature, often requires customized credit in line with the type of trade being carried out with various foreign entities. As part of our small business service, Discount Bank offers a wide range of loans for importers and exporters: export financing in foreign currency, import shipment financing, exporter bill discounting, supplier credit, etc.

For more information and to apply for a loan - click here

Check discounting

Nearly every businessman knows that moment when the customer did pay the amount owed - but not necessarily by the agreed upon date... Have you received a post-dated check which you relied on in planning your business cash flow? As part of our small business service, we at Discount Bank offer loans at favorable interest rates against post-dated checks.

Extending credit, issuing credit cards, interest rates and collateral for all loans are subject to bank procedures and to branch discretion


  • Errors & Omissions Excepted

Failure to repay the loan is liable to incur interest on arrears and trigger a lien filing process.