- Discount
- Personal Banking
- Discount Group
- Social Responsibility
At Discount Bank, we believe that we cannot achieve greatness without the community. As a bank that started out with the goal of providing banking services to immigrants from Saloniki who settled in the center and south of Tel Aviv in the 1930's, we never lose sight of the community in which and for which we operate. Therefore, Discount Bank is among the leading corporations in Israel for corporate, social and environmental responsibility (as rated by Ma'aleh, Platina Plus Group). In addition, the bank has issued a social responsibility report based on GRI guidelines.
It is Discount Bank’s belief that community involvement is part of its business, social and cultural undertaking, and in order to meet this commitment, the bank is active through the LeMa'an project, raising donations and sponsorships for such needs and encouraging bank employees to volunteer for these purposes. In recent years, the bank has focused its attention on at-risk children and youth, with strong emphasis on education.