Internet Support and FAQ

Encountered a problem? We'll be glad to assist!

How may we help you?

Can’t conduct transactions or get information?
The Discount Bank support team is at your service.

Have a problem with online service?
The internet professionals at Discount Bank's technical support center await your call.

The technical support center is at your service at 03-9439191 during opening hours:

Sunday - Thursday: 7am - 10pm

Friday and holiday eve: 7am - 2pm

For general banking information please call TeleBank Discount at : 03-9439111

Need information regarding your user code?
Need to change your user code? Forgot your user code?

Click here for information regarding the user code and how to change or retrieve it

What are the system requirements and how can I use online banking optimally?

Current browser:

  • Google Chrome - recommended!
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Safari
  • Explorer - the Discount Bank websites may be accessed using Microsoft Internet Explorer version 8 or higher. However, to enhance your website experience, we recommend you use Internet Explorer version 11.
  • Recommended resolution for viewing the website: 1280X800
  • You should allow cookies.
  • You should allow pop-ups on the website
  • Operating system: WIN XP Service Pack 3 or higher
  • The website does not support Beta versions

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